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Alternative Neo Fluxus Absurdist Industrial Zen Urban Indie Folk Collective

By using the basic quantum state we can figure out how to get out of the box instead of just procrastinating about it. The basic classical state is 'you are either with us or against us ?'

A not B or B not A or the Hegelian Dialect (3 way triad of thesis, athesis and synthesis of devide and conquer) no longer works in our modern world. The basic quantum state allows two more states A & B (passion) and neither A or B (hope of an new alternative or genuine benign chance) that leads to evolution.

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The latter is the way out of the box to a new paradigm and from repeating the mistakes of the

first two of perpetual conflict and constant revolution. For me this fits in with what the absurdist Albert Camus said 'Rebellion, freedom, passion, and hope' or what I term the 4 way tetrad of the Camus Dialectic. That fourth part 'hope' which is missing from the Hegelian triad gives life the take-off velocity to get off the tarmac, to go beyond the 3rd base and score a home run.

In this respect that I operate on the basic of quantum operation and that is reflected in my philosophy and psychology married with the fact I have the 'do it yourself' ethos of the pre punk movent Fluxus from the 1960's, there is an element of 'Quantum Punk' about me.

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